Discussing the various causes of hair loss

Hair loss is an embarrassing but real health problem that can struck men and women. Men however are more prone to thinning and balding hair. There are several causes of hair loss, and these factors can explain why there are people who more likely to suffer from this embarrassing condition.

Hereditary predisposition is considered as the more common cause of hair loss. The DNA make up of a person can determine if he or she will suffer from thinning hair and receding hair line. If one’s father had suffered from hair loss before, then the child is more likely to suffer the same during a certain stage of his or her life.

Among men, the hormone called androgen is considered as a primary cause of hair loss. This sex hormone can result to shrinking of the hair follicles, inhibiting the growth of hair. The hormone DHT has been found responsible for this. The only way to encourage re-growing of the hair is to get the follicles to their normal levels.

The male hormone testosterone can also greatly increase chances of hair loss among men. Overproduction of testosterone among men can result to increase in DHT hormone which in turn can result to balding hairline.

Stress is also considered as one of the primary causes of hair loss. Those who are more prone to receding hairline are men who are in constant pressure either at work or in their personal lives.

The common causes of receding hairline and thinning hair are usual research subjects of scientists and doctors. These experts try to relate the causes of hair loss to the formulation of various hair loss medications. Anti-hair loss medications have had significant success in controlling thinning hair, such as Provillus which comes in two forms- pill and cream. As science continues to find more direct causes of hair loss, expect more effective medications for those troubled with their receding hairline.
Looking for hair loss treatment remedy? Have a look at Provillus

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